14 April 2019, marked the 50th anniversary of the dedication of Singapore by Elder Ezra Taft Benson of the Quorum of the Twelve on Mount Faber.
Stake President Jean-Luc Butel and Church leaders held a small commemoration service on Mount Faber to celebrate this unique event.
Singapore Mission President Paul S. Rowley read the Dedicatory Prayer offered by Elder Benson 50 years ago.
President Butel remarked, “We can only marvel how so many prophecies and promises have come to pass since 1969. Victor Chen and Michael Ang shared their thoughts on the growth of the Church, and the witness they have of the Lord’s hands in this wonderful work. We are indeed grateful for so many blessings and for the faith, work and service of all of our members in the Singapore Stake.”
The 1969 Dedicatory Prayer meeting was conducted by President W. Brent Hardy of the Southern Far East Mission. The opening hymn was “High on a Mountain Top” and the invocation offered by Branch President Greg Gubler. 50 members were present.
(Note: Elder Ezra Taft Benson became the 13th President of the Church on 10 November 1985.)