Dear Brothers and Sisters, 3 May 2015
As disciples of Jesus Christ, we strive to follow the Savior's example to feed the hungry, clothe the naked, visit the sick and the afflicted, and do everything we can to relief the suffering of our brothers and sisters. (Matthew 25:35-36).
The recent earthquake devastation in Nepal has claimed thousands of innocent lives, and caused much untold sorrow and hardship to many people. We feel for their loss and pain. We encourage you to remember them in your prayers.
Our Church will always be one of the first organizations to respond to humanitarian aid whenever and wherever it is needed. We have a well organized and efficient system in distributing humanitarian aid to those who stand in need of. We know that our Church is coordinating with reliable sources to ensure that the intended recipients would receive the necessary humanitarian aid.
The Area Presidency had counseled us that should we wish to help, they would “recommend a contribution to the humanitarian fund of the Church. Such a contribution can be made by using the Tithing and Other Offerings form and marking the ‘humanitarian aid’ (Letter to the Area priesthood leaders dated February 12, 2010)”. Specifying your donation such as Nepal Earthquake on the donation slip is optional.
Tithing and Other Offerings Nepal EarthquakeWe in the Singapore Stake have been very richly blessed, both temporally and spiritually. We hereby invite you to donate generously of your means to the Humanitarian Aid. As we do so, we will certainly be instruments in the Lord's hand in fulfilling part of a latter-day commandment to 'succor the weak, lift up the hands which hang down, and strengthen the feeble knees.' (D&C 81:5).
Singapore Stake Presidency
Stephen Lai
Kwan Yew Mun
Timothy Bray