Last month, the sisters in the Singapore Stake celebrated the multiple roles they play at home, at work and in the community with an unusual fashion show called 'My Talents His Work'. In addition to parading on the catwalk, each wore a self-decorated hat that represented her talents and achievements. No two hats were the same.
'It is the the variety in the hat decorations that unite us in doing the Lord's work. We do so many different things in our ministering to the sisters and their families. This is our celebration,' said Sister Woon Chew Yian who organized the event before she was released as the Stake Relief Society President.
The highlight of the event was the catwalk. Some 30 sisters took the plunge; none had ever done such a thing before. And they did not disappoint. 'Why are these sisters with such talents hiding themselves?' one sister asked in astounishment. 'Yes, I see such fashion shows in Paris and London but in our Stake Centre? Ah, this is unbelievable.'
Catherine Diego of the 3rd ward, when asked about her catwalk experience said, 'It was so amazing to walk down the run-way. It was my first time doing something like that. If there is another show like this in the future, I would love to be a part of it.”
Annie Loo, a visitor, when asked what she thought of the event said, “Oh my goodness, it was so professional. It was so fun. I had no idea what this event would be like. I thought it would just be a display of hats.”
At the end of the day, no one disputed the event was fun and a success beyond expectation. The best part, one sister said, 'The cheering during the catwalk was deafening. It was as if a rock star was performing in a concert.'