To provide friends and visitors with a chance to view the new Young Single Adult (YSA) Ward dedicated gathering place and meeting house, the YSA Ward held a special sacrament meeting and Linger Longer activity on September 17, 2023. The meeting house was specially renovated with them in mind to create a cosy and warm atmosphere. Those who attended were treated to uplifting messages from Ward and Stake leaders, a wholesome atmosphere and a memorable gathering with friends.
Singapore is the first country in Asia to have a special YSA Ward for members aged 18 to 30 years old, with more than 50 attending each Sunday. Singapore YSA Ward Bishop Rollins spoke about the purpose of setting up a YSA gathering place, and how each ward member can contribute to the work of gathering by participating in ward activities that will bring them closer to one another and to God. This ultimately points to the temple and is symbolic of the spiritual gathering that is taking place across the world.
Bishop Rollins added, “Heavenly Father loves these YSAs so much! He’s looked out and seen our faithful YSAs in Singapore. And now we feel so blessed with this beautiful gathering place. We pray it will be a place of refuge and unity for all the YSAs of Singapore. A place to come and belong and to feel the Savior’s redeeming love for them.” President Butel, Singapore Stake President, then added his encouragement for YSAs to strengthen their testimonies, prepare to serve a mission, and continue to seek personal revelation and the guidance of the spirit.
The talks were followed by a Linger Longer activity at the refurbished space with sofas and beanbags one floor above the chapel where the YSAs meet on Sunday, allowing ward members and visitors to socialise over refreshments in a more casual setting. All who attended had a wonderful time strengthening friendships with older and new friends. With this dedicated space, the YSAs can personalise their space and arrange more activities and meet-ups throughout the week. For instance, they currently already have weekly Institute lessons and are looking forward to activities such as family home evenings and game nights at the new gathering place.