The Singapore Stake was honoured to have the musical group The Piano Guys speak and perform at a special Fireside on March 12, 2023. The chapel and hall were full with over 350 members and visitors in attendance, including some travelling from nearby Malaysia.
The fireside saw cellist Steven Nelson and pianist Jon Schmidt perform a mix of pieces such as ‘O Come O Come Emmanuel’, ‘Can’t Help Falling In Love’, and a special arrangement of ‘Gabriel’s Oboe’ from the movie ‘The Mission’ together with the hymn ‘How Great Thou Art’. Jon also performed ‘All of Me’, an original song that he personally composed. Between performances, the duo, joined by Jon’s wife Michelle, shared their thoughts, experiences and spiritual testimonies from their journey through life. All listening were touched by the special spirit present as the speakers recounted how their faith, instead of being diminished, had been strengthened through different trials in their lives. Sister Jean Kwan from the Singapore Stake shared, “They didn’t dwell too much on the details of what they went through, but it was sufficient to know they went through hard trials and tribulations. So always be positive!”
Brother Casey Tan, Singapore Stake High Councillor added, “I really enjoyed the fireside with The Piano Guys. It was great how they were able to showcase a different side from what you usually see in their videos and performances. They humanised themselves and showed vulnerability, character and their faith in Christ. It was a great faith builder for me and for everyone. I liked how they interspersed performances with testimony and stories. They were very engaging and I think everyone had no regrets turning up for it.”
All at the meeting, regardless of their faith, could feel the tremendous warmth and love from the sharing and music. It was a wonderful blessing to feel the indomitable spirit and faith that was present.