On 27 January 2022, members from The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints in Singapore gathered at the Stake Centre to ribbon wrap packages of mandarin oranges and distribute them to valued partners and friends of different faiths, religions and organisations.

This gesture was done in the spirit of Lunar New Year, a festival that brings families and friends together to renew bonds and strengthen relationships. The Church in Singapore had the opportunity and privilege over the years to forge wonderful relationships with friends of other faiths, and this was a way to thank them for their friendship and show that we are all brothers and sisters of the human family despite our differences and beliefs.

The amazing sisters from the Relief Society volunteered to ribbon wrap the gift packages into the beautiful final product pictured below. Each package had a festive tassel, multicolour ribbons, and a personalised card to the recipient.

Once the packages were ready, they were delivered by hand to various partners around the island. It was a joyous occasion to reconnect with friends, and The Church hopes to continue this harmonious relationship and build better bonds with our brothers and sisters in Singapore.