What did 50 members of the Inter-racial and Religious Confidence Circle (IRCC) find out about the Mormon Church when they visited the Stake Centre as part of their Learning Journey?
Fifty members of the Moulmein-Cairnhill IRCC (Inter-racial and Religious Confidence Circle) made the Stake Centre at Bukit Timah the final stop of their Learning Journey on Saturday, 30 September 2017. The purpose of the Learning Journey was for members of the IRCC to visit and learn about the different religious organisations within the Moulmein-Cairnhill constituency. The IRCC members started the Learning Journey that morning by visiting two mosques, the Masjid Yusof Ishak and the Masjid Pertempatan Melayu Sembawang, before coming to the Stake Centre for a presentation on The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. They later had lunch with Church members and Mr. Melvin Yong, Member of Parliament (MP) for Tanjong Pagar.
Learning Journey foster closer relationship among different races and religions
Stake President Jean-Luc Butel and members of the Public Affairs Council welcomed the visitors. In his address to the IRCC members, MP Melvin Yong said that religious leaders should continue to organise more Learning Journeys to foster closer relationship among different races and religions. He further said that knowing and understanding each other's beliefs would allow the community to come together and sort out problems in times of difficulties.
MP Melvin Yong presented a plaque to the head of each of the religious organisations that hosted the Learning Journey, including one to Stake President Butel. Representatives from the Ministry of Culture, Community and Youth (MCCY) also attended the event.
“We are doing the same thing – serving the needy”
At the end of the presentation on the beliefs and practice of the LDS Church, leaders from the mosques expressed their appreciation for the Church's international humanitarian aid, and how members are being served. They learned about Bishops and ward leaders serving without receiving a salary, and how Church programs such as the Family Home Evening, Home Teaching and compassionate service are administered. They said they were impressed by the young men and young women serving full-time missions at their own expense. They affirmed that leaders in their own mosques also serve the people and provide assistance to the needy. With broad smiles and handshakes, Church members and the visitors declared, 'We are all doing the same thing: serving the people.'
Upon leaving the Stake Centre many of visitors picked up a copy of the Book of Mormon and a CD of songs by the Mormon Tabernacle Choir. 'This has been a wonderful visit,' one of them said, 'Now we know more about the Mormon Church.'