What does it take to become 'Saviours of Sengkang'? Sign up for a grocery distribution and home cleaning project on Saturday, 27 January 2018; and come prepared to work hard with other volunteers.
Packing done like clockwork
Twenty-five members of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints joined volunteers from the Al-Mawaddah Mosque, Sengkang West CCC and 'Ride of Hope' – a cycling group - to pack and distribute groceries for 300 families living in Block 350 in Sengkang West. Because of clockwork coordination by the respective group leaders, the packing was done within an hour, and tenants collected their rations at the void deck on schedule. Tenants who did not come down to collect their rations received reminders delivered by volunteers.
House cleaning and home improvements
The volunteers also cleaned the homes for some seniors and single parents living in that block of rental flats. In addition to house cleaning, the volunteers from the Mosque came with their tool kits to install a bed, a washing machine, and a TV set. In one home, volunteers also installed safety bars for a tenant on a wheelchair; in another home, protective film on a glass window to cut out the sun glare.
Event started with fun bicycle ride
The event started with a 15-minute bicycle ride from the Mosque in Compassvale Bow to Block 350 in Anchorvale Road. Leaders from the 'Ride of Hope' led the ride of 50 bicycles provided free by Mobike.
The Guests of Honour for the event were Dr. Lam Pin Min, Senior Minister of State for Health & Transport; and Dr. Ang Hak Seng, Deputy Secretary (Special Projects), MCCY.
Expecting more collaboration between Church and Mosque in future
Mr. Sharifuddin Mohamed Ali, Executive Chairman of the Al-Mawaddah Mosque said he was very pleased with the collaboration between the Church and the Mosque, and hope that there would be more such projects to come. He thanked the Church for leading the house cleaning aspect of the project. Michael Ang and AC Ho, members of the Public Affairs Council, volunteered the Church to put together the cleaning kits with detailed instructions and checklists for the cleaning teams, consisting of members of the cycling group and lady volunteers from the Mosque.
All the volunteers attended a briefing session last week at the Compassvale chapel. Mr. Norazhar Hussin, leader of the Ride of Hope cycling group said his riders were eager to help but house cleaning was not their top strength and asked the women from the Mosque to join his team of volunteers.
“It is all about people helping people”
Dr. Ang Hak Seng, Deputy Secretary (Special Projects), MCCY said, 'Singapore is all about people coming together to help another. The next time we should bring in volunteers from other religions, including the Hindu and Chinese temples.'