Over the course of 42 years, I have experienced both success and failure in my professional endeavors. Amid life's many uncertainties, I have yearned for something more enduring than mere financial security. These reflections have led me to realize that inner joy and peace are my most fervent desires for my family and myself. The words of the Lord resonate deeply within me: 'Peace I leave with you, my peace I give unto you: not as the world giveth, give I unto you[1].' What could be more precious than the 'Peace and Joy' promised by our Lord to each of us?
When Jesus Christ was crucified and died, it may have appeared to many of his followers that all was lost, that there was no hope, and that the world would be left in despair.[2] Many believed they would be destroyed and perish.[3] Yet, three days after his death, he rose again, and because of his resurrection, we too shall rise again.[4]
Allow me to share an experience that taught me how we can always find peace and joy through Christ and His power:
'My son, peace be unto thy soul; thine adversity and thine afflictions shall be but a small moment.'
Doctrine and Covenants 121:7
As a young single adult, I visited Rabbit Island, a vast and beautiful island in Cambodia. Four of us decided to hike up the island’s mountain, leaving our friends at the seashore. To mark the trail for our return, I cut branches and set up markers as we climbed. Throughout our ascent we enjoyed breathtaking views and discovered many fascinating plants that we had never seen before.
Upon reaching the summit, one friend suggested that we descend via a new route to continue exploring new vistas and plants. We all agreed readily. Unfortunately, our chosen descent path led us into an impenetrably dense and thorny forest. We tried several alternate routes but failed to find a way through. Eventually, we gave up and attempted to return to our original path, but it eluded us.
It was a hot, windless day, and after being lost for about five hours, I was drenched in sweat and parched with thirst. In desperation, I picked an unknown fruit to quench my thirst, only to discover that it was so bitter that it made my throat even drier. I squeezed my sweaty shirt to wet my lips and licked the painful thorn wounds on my fingers. Completely exhausted, I lay on the ground, thinking that I would surely die and never see my siblings, parents, and friends again.

While lying on the ground, I gazed at the sky, and the twinkling sun shone through the leaves. I remembered heaven and that God could help me. I called out to my friends, 'Let's pray to our God for His help.' We all knelt, and I fervently prayed for God's assistance. A moment after the prayer, I heard a still, small voice saying, 'You cannot die now; I still have much work for you to do.' I opened my eyes with renewed strength and hope in His power. I grabbed a wooden stick and said, 'Follow me, and I will guide you.' Using the stick, I cleared the way of thorns and small branches to find our path. After some time, we encountered multiple snake pits, which motivated us to move even faster. Eventually, we found a trail that led us back to our anxiously waiting friends.
Through this experience, I came to know that God truly lives. Our mortal journey, with all its difficulties, complexities, pains, and disappointments, is but a fragment of God's grand plan to strengthen us. As the Lord said, “My son, peace be unto thy soul; thine adversity and thine afflictions shall be but a small moment[5] and He shall consecrate thine afflictions for thy gain[6]”.
The adversary seeks to fill our hearts with despair, but because Christ was resurrected, each of us will be resurrected. Because He lives, we can find peace[7] and eternal life[8]. Each new day is an opportunity to experience the joy and peace that are possible by embracing His holy name in all aspects of our lives. When we hold His name in our hearts and souls, there is no room for the temptations and complexities of the world to influence us. As we keep the commandments and our covenants, we are entitled to the help and blessings of the Lord[9].
[1] John 14:27
[2] 3 Nephi 8:5-23
[3] 3 Nephi 8:24-25
[4] Alma 7:12
[5] Doctrine and Covenants 121:7
[6] 2 Nephi 2:2
[7] Mosiah 15:18
[8] Moses 1:39
[9] Doctrine and Covenants 82:10