I first experienced the blessings of missionary service when I was taught by young missionaries in my adulthood and then made the decision to be baptized. I have always admired the faithfulness of these missionaries and I am grateful that even today we still share lasting friendships. My missionary blessings multiplied when my parents were later converted to the Gospel by the efforts of many other missionaries and their mission president. Because of missionary work, our family grew up and was nurtured in the Gospel of Jesus Christ, having a perfect hope that our family will be together forever.
In response to the Lord’s commandment, “…Go ye into all the world, and preach the gospel to every
creature” 1, the Church has prepared and called a large force of missionaries who devote 18-24 months of their lives to invite people throughout the world to learn the fullness of the restored Gospel of Jesus Christ.
Missionary work, “… is a voluntary act of service to God and to humankind.” 2, described as “the greatest of all the great works in all the world” 3, “in which we are engaged in helping to save and exalt the souls of the children of men.” 4 The blessings of missionary service are not only available to those being served, but also encompass those serving who put their heart, might, mind and strength into the work. The Lord doesn’t give any of His commandments without preparing a way for us to accomplish each thing He commands.5 He also promises blessings for those who do as they are commanded.6
Serving as a missionary is not an easy task. But like all worthwhile life goals we achieve, such as learning a trade, having a family, or getting a college degree, both the journey and its completion bring us joy and a wonderful sense of accomplishment. Although the same is true for missionary service, our goal to serve as missionaries also brings us great spiritual rewards.
Here are a few of the blessings of missionary service shared by returned missionaries:
“… is a voluntary act of service to God and to humankind.”
Russell M Nelson
Blessed to Know Jesus Christ
“For how knoweth a man the master whom he has not served…?” 7. “…no one will ever fully understand the Savior’s work until he has invested in the business of saving souls, for that was the Savior’s role.” 8 When we are called to be a representative of Christ, to follow in His footsteps and emulate His charity, we are blessed to feel the love that Christ has towards mankind. We see for ourselves how Christ is reaching out His hand to help and comfort those burdened with different, and often significant, struggles and challenges. We, and those we teach, change as we draw closer to Him in spirit and love and experience the peace Christ promised his disciples.
Blessed to Know the Scriptures
“Yes, missions are schools of gospel learning, even schools for the prophets.” 9 Within the scriptures, we read of missionary work that happened from the foundation of the world, as recorded by Prophets of God. We also find guidance and promises to those called to His work and to all who are faithful. Studying the scriptures with missionary work in mind helps us gain a deeper understanding of the word of God and how to apply its teachings in our own lives and while serving and teaching others.
Blessed with the Joy of Seeing the Gospel of Jesus Christ Change Lives
The preaching of the gospel has a more powerful effect on the mind of people who hear it, to lead them to do right, than anything else. 10 There is pure joy in seeing people make positive changes as they learn the Gospel of Jesus Christ from the Book of Mormon and apply the power of Christ’s Atonement in their lives. As we strive to improve in the Gospel together, we also build eternal friendships with our companions and investigators.
Blessed with the Constant Companionship of the Holy Ghost
Christ has promised His disciples The Gift of the Holy Ghost to guide, support, and strengthen them in the work. As we strive to be worthy of the constant companionship of the Holy Ghost, the Holy Ghost will not only guide our work, but will also help us see our own weaknesses. And if we are willing to be humble, the Holy Ghost will help us work through our shortcomings, turning them into strengths.

Blessed with Personal Testimony of the Gospel of Jesus Christ
Above all the blessings, the one that brings unequaled peace and comfort to our soul, is our personal testimony of the Gospel of Christ: including Faith in the Lord Jesus Christ and His Atonement, Repentance, Baptism, The Gift of the Holy Ghost, and Enduring to the End. As we serve the Savior, we personally witness how the power of Christ’s Atonement cleanses us from our sins and blesses us with the strength to do what we could never do by ourselves. Elder Bednar teaches that Christ has borne our physical, spiritual, emotional, and mental burdens. Through Christ’s Atonement, we can be both cleansed and have access to His enabling help and power which enlarge our capacity to do good and to endure life’s trials.11 Each time we live, teach, and testify of the Gospel, the Spirit testifies of the truth and deeply impresses it in our souls.
“President Kimball has referred to missionary service as high adventure. He did so because the work is stirring and exciting.”12 Prepare now to receive the blessings of missionary service. I invite you to take part in the adventure by accepting a call to serve. As you go forward in faith, the Lord will guide you and bless you to become a worthy, empowered representative of Christ.
Elder David F. Evans proclaimed, “It is my witness and testimony that the Lord desires for His sons and many of His daughters to serve missions. Come and join with us in missionary service.” 13
In the name of Jesus Christ, Amen.
- Bible, Mark 16:15
- Russell M Nelson, “Ask the Missionaries! They Can Help You!,” General Conference October 2012
- Heber J Grant, Conference Report, October 1921, p. 5
- Ezra Taft Benson, Conference Report, April 1953, p. 39
- Book of Mormon, 1 Nephi 3:7
- Book of Mormon, Mosiah 2:23–24
- Book of Mormon, Mosiah 5:13
- Carlos E Asay, “The Blessings of Sharing the Gospel,” September 20, 1984 (Ensign Oct 1985)
- Carlos E Asay, “The Blessings of Sharing the Gospel,” September 20, 1984 (Ensign Oct 1985)
- Book of Mormon, Alma 31:5
- David A Bednar, “The Enabling Power of the Atonement”, Ensign, March 2013
- Carlos E Asay, “The Blessings of Sharing the Gospel,” September 20, 1984 (Ensign Oct 1985)
- David F Evans, “The Blessings of Missionary Service”, Asia Area Leader Message Feb 2019