Riding in Xinying, my last, and very rural, area

A recent convert - sealed at the temple

Baptism in Taichung

On the road in Kaoshiung

Sharing the gospel with some Ah Mas in Kaoshiung

Taking photos with some monks in Puli

Tracting in Taichung

To see the gospel changing the lives of others changed my life as well. It made me realize that I need God so much, in every aspect of my life.
To see the gospel changing the lives of others changed my life as well. It made me realize that I need God so much, in every aspect of my life.Being a missionary was great. No one in the world has such a great excuse to wear a white shirt and tie and ride a bicycle. No one in the world has such a good excuse to stand on a stool in a packed night market and declare what they believe to be true. No one else has the best excuse to stop people on the street and ask them about their lives. And the very legitimate excuse is summed up by the badge you wear and the largest words on that badge – ‘Jesus Christ.’ There is no other time in your life when you can better represent and serve Christ. I served in the Taiwan, Taichung Mission and it was the best time of my life.
People in Taiwan think we’re crazy. They always wonder why we do what we do. They always comment, “xin ku ni le…” which basically means “oh, poor you.” When they hear that we don’t get paid to do this or even receive any credits for college they just shake their head in disbelief and are speechless. Sometimes I cheekily tell them, “Yes, it’s really that tough… so you have to listen to what I have to say.” Most of the time though, I just smile and shrug it off because what they don’t realize when they look at the sweat dripping down my face, eyes squinting from the midday sun with a half-mustered smile is that I know that all this is worth it!
I will tell you why it was worth it…
It was worth being on the front row seat of the Lord’s miracles. The two year mission was full of ups and downs. But every time you push on and go that little bit further, the Lord will bless you for everything that you put in and two years on, you’ll forget all those trials and afflictions and all you’ll remember are the miracles - the evidence of the Lord’s mercies in your life and the lives of others. All the miracles testified of a loving Heavenly Father. To see the gospel changing the lives of others changed my life as well. It made me realize that I need God so much, in every aspect of my life.
It is worth all the lessons that you learn. I learnt how to cook a good oyster omelette, I learnt how to talk to people on the street and I learnt lots of Hokkien! But most of all, I learnt about what is most important. I learnt how to be diligent and actively engaged in a good cause, how to love others and serve, and most importantly, how to focus on the spiritual things - the things truly of most worth.
It was worth getting to know my Father better. I have never prayed so much in my life. My favorite time of the day is at night when I can kneel to my Father in prayer. He is wonderful. Sometimes He tells me what to do, sometimes He rebukes me and tells me to be patient, and sometimes He just tells me it’s all going to be okay. But always, He listens first and understands me perfectly. For that, I am really grateful and I love Him.
Two years on, I know my mission was worth it. It wasn't a sacrifice. It was a huge blessing. I would advise anyone thinking of serving a mission to go; anyone who hasn’t made a decision yet, to decide now to go; and anyone who doesn’t want to serve a mission, to think again, and then go!
Bryan Chia