‘There is no more compelling work than this, nor any which brings greater satisfaction. The Lord will reward and richly bless you as you humbly and prayerfully serve Him. More happiness awaits you than you have ever experienced as you labor among His children.’
‘There is no more compelling work than this, nor any which brings greater satisfaction. The Lord will reward and richly bless you as you humbly and prayerfully serve Him. More happiness awaits you than you have ever experienced as you labor among His children.’
I was called by a prophet of God to serve in the Vancouver, Canada mission. The mission boundary includes British Columbia.
During my mission years, I received so much more than I gave. And God has blessed me abundantly. As I became my own first convert, God placed people who were ready for His Restored Gospel into the path of my companions and I.
One of them was Brother Tannor. He had recently moved from Ghana with his two boys, Kwaku and Kwabena. His wife, Charlotte, had been studying in Langley for a couple of years. Richard had seen the Latter-Day Saints church and missionaries in Ghana on many occasions. But his home was located a two-hour drive away from the chapel. He did not possess a car but always yearned to learn more.
When Richard arrived in Canada, he asked his Latter-day Saint friend to bring him to church. And that friend introduced us to him. Right from the get go, Richard took in everything that we taught him! He was baptized three weeks later. Charlotte, on the other hand, had come across anti-Mormon literature and did not want to take the lessons. Richard told us that he would respect her decision and act by example. Charlotte was baptized three months later. Richard also baptized Kwabena when he turned eight.
Fourteen months later, the Tannor family were sealed in the Vancouver temple for time and eternity.
Many other experiences on my mission opened my eyes and heart to the love our Heavenly Father has for each and every one of His children. He is not going to spoon-feed us salvation and eternal life as it is not done this way. But He is with us every step of our journey back to Him. He really does know us individually and loves us more than we can ever comprehend. And through happiness and learning moments, God molds us to be the disciples He needs us to be.
There is a stereotype that Canadians are kind. It is true. So, rejection, for the most part, is a little tamer in Canada. British Columbia has also seen to the matter of there being at least one public holiday a month. Foods unique to Canada include poutine and perogies.
From my mission, I am grateful for being able to learn how trust God. And to be able to recognize the abundance of love He has for me and for everyone else. As we let His love into our lives, we will be truly happy.
I know, and I believe, that miracles have not ceased. That God is literally our Father in Heaven. He loves us with all His heart, might and strength. When the going gets tough, our prayers will be answered in His own way and in His own time. God has given us many things to make our sojourn back to Him easier. One of these being the Atonement. As we count on it, we will 'doubt not, fear not' (D&C 6:36-37). I also believe the Book of Mormon to be another word of God and that it was translated through the power and authority of God. And that by it and through it, we will fully understand the Gospel and come closer to Christ. I am grateful for the restoration of the priesthood and prophets. And I know that as long as we are exactly obedient, miracles will be brought forth. The Gospel is true.

Mission Conference with Elder Jeffrey R Holland

Abbotsford - Langley joint zone conference

Christmas at the MTC

Sealing of the Tannor family

Sister Burt, me, my trainer Elder Ringer, President Burt

The 17 time arm wrestling world champion is a member