To help others recognize the joy and blessings of participating in Family History work, an ‘Indexing and Family Discovery Day’ was held on 7 May 2016.
This Stake activity was a family centered event for people of all ages and was open to the public. Held from 2-4pm at the Stake Centre, it was well attended and provided step by step guides on using the church’s online Family Tree Program as well as teaching how to help with indexing of worldwide documents and archives.
Through the selfless efforts of those around the world who help with indexing, millions of people have more chances of finding their ancestors every day. Indexing is easy, and can be done by anyone able to use a computer, and can take as much, or as little time, as you choose.
Many attendees on the day also realized that with the updated program of Family Tree, they can link their ancestors to their tree and pass their family history on to future generations.
It was great to see the number of youth and young people in attendance. No one is too old, or too young to participate in Family History. The objectives of this event were to motivate members to do indexing and find the joy of helping others; increase family name submission for temple work; strengthen families and fortify the youth to teach others on family history work. A huge thanks to all those who volunteered on the day, and to all those who index in their free time to help push this important work forward.
Report by Anna Poon