Baptism of Sandy

Biking in the Snow

Eating Raw Herring

Family De Jonge

Going to the Temple with Jan Willem

Our Missionary Booth on Kings Day

President and Sister Robinson

Turkey Bowl

Last day together with our Mission President

The love of Christ, His grace and mercy is sufficient for any whose hands and hearts hang down and whose paths are lost.
The love of Christ, His grace and mercy is sufficient for any whose hands and hearts hang down and whose paths are lost.I recently returned from my mission to the Belgium/Netherlands Mission.
One of the many highlights of my mission happened in a city called Den Haag. My companion and I were looking up a person whom I had met only once. I remembered her name but we had not had any earlier appointments or conversations before. We had gone to look her up only with the intention to make an appointment to visit her at a later date. However, when she opened the door, I immediately felt a very strong impression to ask her if we could come in for a few minutes. Hesitating a little at first, she agreed and we went in. We asked her a few questions to get to know her better and to get a feel of what she needed to hear from us. We asked about her family background and somewhere in the conversation, she was prompted to share with us that today was actually the death anniversary of her mother and she was feeling rather sad and down. We then asked her if we could share a couple of verses out of the Book of Mormon. She agreed and we shared with her Alma 40: 9-12 regarding the space between the time of death and the resurrection as well as where the righteous spirits will go.
This verse brought great comfort into her heart and she was really grateful to us for sharing this with her. She mentioned later in our conversation that she could feel something warm in her heart and sensed sincerity in the words we shared.
She said “I’m not sure why I allowed you into my house because I have never let any missionary come into my house before. You both are the first.” She paused and then commented, “I know that God sent you two to my door today to comfort me.”
Her words really touched my heart and I’m very grateful for the guidance of the Spirit in what we should do and say. It was such a big testimony to me of how God works in mysterious ways and if we are in tune with the Spirit, we are able to be effective instruments in His plan of bringing His children back to Him.
Another missionary highlight came when I was blessed with the opportunity to teach a man named Jan Willem. He had been investigating and going to church for many years but had not accepted baptism. I was serving in Den Haag and when he called my companion and said that he needed to meet us urgently so he could be baptized, we were shocked, but rejoiced immediately! We soon found out from the Bishop that Jan Willem had spoken with him over the phone that very same day asking if he could be baptized that coming Saturday as he had felt a spiritual prompting. It was like a feeling telling him that now is the time to be baptized. We met with him twice during that week, covering all the lessons for his baptism. Jan Willem was baptized on the 29th September 2014. This is really a special date to remember because 1 year later on the 28th September 2015, Jan Willem, after faithfully preparing himself to enter the House of the Lord, went to the temple for the first time. I was transferred back to Den Haag for my last transfer to finish off my mission where I baptized Jan Willem a year ago. This meant that I was able to witness Jan Willem enter the temple on the second to last day of my mission.
Looking back on this experience, I noticed two tender mercies from the Lord.
When I first served in Den Haag, I was struggling to find my purpose as a missionary and I prayed many days to see an ounce of success. It was soon after that that we received the phone call from Jan Willem. Secondly, if Jan Willem had been baptized just one Saturday later, I would not have had the chance to see him enter the temple as I would have ended my mission already. Truly, the Lord works in mysterious ways!
Serving a mission really change lives. It changes not just others but yourself as well. Before I even reached the Netherlands, I was already facing an uphill climb towards my mission. It started when I got my call in April 2013 to serve in the Belgium/Netherlands Mission. I rejoiced at my call and was really excited to learn Dutch and to serve the people in Belgium and the Netherlands.
Soon after receiving my call, I learned that in order to obtain a Dutch Visa, I needed to learn basic Dutch and take a Dutch language and culture examination. I was shocked and scared that I might not be able to pass the examination as I had to do much of the study by myself. Trusting in the Lord, I immediately began my study of the language and with 10 hours of language study for 6 days a week with the help of a “once a week/1 hr” Skype lesson from a volunteer and MTC teacher, I started learning the language. It was really hard work and after 2.5 months I took the first practice exam to see how prepared I was for the actual examination. I was devastated when the result showed I had a 5% chance of passing the actual examination.
Consulting with my Skype MTC teacher, he advised me using D&C 82:10 to start the day with first reading in the scriptures. He then encouraged me using 1 Nephi 3:7 that the Lord would provide a way for me to fulfill my calling in the Belgium/Netherlands Mission. Just a week later, I took the next and last practice examination and this result showed a 95% chance of passing the examination. I rejoiced at the love Jesus offers me! I know that God was teaching me to trust in Him and to do His will.
After passing the Dutch Examination, I began the application in obtaining the Dutch Visa. As I could not wait anymore to start my mission, I requested to begin my mission locally and my first area was in Malacca, Malaysia. I had a firm belief that God was mindful of me. This was clearly shown after a near death experience in Malacca when I crashed my bike into the lane of a car alongside me and after recovering from the fall, noticed that my face was next to the head lamp of the car that had come to a screeching halt! I’m so grateful for the protection that I received that day. I knew God had a bigger mission ahead of me.
My testimony has truly deepened as I see the changes that others undergo after hearing about the Restored Gospel. I see the light in their eyes brighten as they accept Jesus Christ as their Savior and Redeemer. I see their countenance change as they make the necessary steps to be baptized and as they come out of the water. I see a glow and smiles on their faces as they receive the Gift of the Holy Ghost. My testimony has also greatly grown as I see those that have drifted away come back into the fold of Christ. The love of Christ, His grace and mercy is sufficient for any whose hands and hearts hang down and whose paths are lost.
What I loved most about my mission was the opportunity to meet and interact with people from a different country with a different culture and language from mine. The love that I developed for them, as well as the strong relationships that I have built, is something I treasure the most. I’m so grateful for the loving members who cared so much about me and made me feel at home. I truly have a family in the Netherlands. Thank you so much!
Some interesting food and culture from the Netherlands is their famous stroop waffles and classic stamppot which is really to be eaten during the winter period. They have also something called vla which is really in between a yogurt and a milk texture. Oh, how I love the CHEESE! They also eat “boterham” almost every day for lunch which is bread with butter and/or something else in between. They mostly use only a fork and knife during meal times. Tulips are really famous and gorgeous and you can see fields of many different colored tulips around the Netherlands, in the spring and summer months.
I want to bear my testimony that I know that the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints is the same organized church that Jesus Christ established during His Ministry on the earth and that it was restored again by the prophet Joseph Smith. I know that the Book of Mormon is another book of scripture which testifies of Jesus Christ, just like the Bible. I know that we have a living Prophet, Thomas S. Monson, called of God, who leads and guides us in our present day. I also have a firm testimony that the challenges that I faced on my mission, be it with my companion, others around me or the work itself, has really helped me to grow and learn so much! I’m so grateful for who these challenges have helped me become as I’m able to appreciate life so much more. It is like a refiner’s fire that we all go through to become better and when I feel comfortable with what I am doing, I know that God will stretch my capabilities and help me reach my potential.
I loved my mission so much! It is truly the best two years of my life!