SG Talent Show CCK ward
SG Talent Show CCK ward 1
SG Talent Show dancers
SG Talent Show rock n rollers
SG Talent Show youth dancers
The Stake Talent Night on 12 August 2015 mirrored the unity and diversity that often greets us in the congregations of the Saints. Each of the wards showcased their hidden talents. It wasn’t an evening of competition, rather it was an evening which demonstrated an atmosphere of unity and oneness filled with laughter and fun. Our Choa Chu Kang ward did a 10 minutes dance sequence which consisted of dance moves from different period of time and culture, starting with the Young Men and Young Women who kept up with modern time. They did the “Hip Hop Dance” which was filled with youthful energy. The YSA danced in traditional Indian costume to the mesmerizing tunes of the Indian Bollywood hit songs. Then the Relief Society took us back to the 60`s with their twisting moves and looks and finally the Elders and High Priest Quorums showed that age is no barrier when it comes to Rock & Roll. The other wards too, revealed their talents through various fun and entertaining performances such as music played on the guzheng, skits and dance performance which captivated the brothers and sisters and unified us all in one spirit.
What unified these diverse performances and kept the evening from being a disjointed hodge-podge of amateurish performances? The restored gospel of Jesus Christ, linked and unified the performances. The cultural diversity was the strength and universal appeal of the talent night. Attendance was jammed packed and none were willing to leave their seats in case they missed out on the fun. Had performances from only one culture or area been dominant, the excitement would have been significantly less.
Whether we recognize it or not, diversity is now a part of the Church, and it increases daily. It would be good to learn to link and unify our diverse membership as successfully as the performance at the Stake Talent Night. To succeed, we will need unifying ideas taught by thoughtful leaders. Stakes and wards whose members are imbued with flexibility and openness to greet and make welcome the diverse membership, putting brothers and sisters to work in meaningful service, will hasten the unification process. This unity, which should come naturally, but comes painfully to some, can be achieved a step at a time – “Line upon line, precept upon precept.”
There is but one way that we can be united, and that way is to seek the Lord and His righteousness (See 3 Nephi 13:33) and to learn the will of the Lord and then to do it. If we demonstrate this unity it will not be long before Singapore can have our Second Stake. It is my faith that, as we engage ourselves in the Lord`s work, we can accomplish everything he requires us to do, if we will but be united.
Bro. Christopher Varel, Choa Chu Kang Ward, Elders Quorum First Counselor
Bro. Christopher Varel, Choa Chu Kang Ward, Elders Quorum First Counselor