Torrential rain could not stop around 280 people convening at the Singapore Stake Center on 25th April 2015 for the Easter Cantata organized by The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints.
The brainchild of Sister Erika Garner, the cantata was a way to commemorate the resurrection of Jesus Christ. However, the well-put together cantata was not a walk in the park. According to Sister Garner, “It took a few months to plan and prepare and it involved a lot of praying for inspiration as well.”
And inspire it did. The hour-long performance was filled with familiar hymns with modern arrangements punctuated by narrations from selected participants.
Brother Chong Woon Han, soloist of crowd favorite, “Be Still My Soul” noted, “Even though I did not have a lot of practice time it was still a great experience.”
Even though practice time was short as a cohesive unit, the group displayed no signs of uneasiness as each segment was pulled off with professionalism and much aplomb.
Kathryn Chai who was part of the audience remarked “They brought a great spirit to the room and definitely made the trip through the rain worth it.”
When quizzed on her favorite part, Yun Wen who attended for the first time said “I definitely like the segments with the children in it. They were so angelic and well behaved, something kids find hard these days. I’m glad I came.”
Indeed, that was the common sentiment of everyone that attended, leaving them spiritually ready for the Sabbath.
The cantata closed with a stirring video by composer Rob Gardner, summing up the thoughts in the hearts of all that were present. It was a powerful reminder of the life and ministry of the Savior and his atonement and that without him; life would not be worth living.
Article by Casey Tan
Photos by Samuel Lim

Torrential rain could not stop around 280 people convening at the Singapore Stake Center on 25th April 2015 for the Easter Cantata organized by The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints.

Erika Garner with Stake Relief Society