My mission taught me that I can do hard things because I am a Taiwan, Taipei missionary!
My mission taught me that I can do hard things because I am a Taiwan, Taipei missionary!I am really grateful to have been the Lord's instrument and share the basic beliefs of the Gospel for 18 months. During this time, our main mode of transportation was bicycles which caused my beautiful feet-tan! We hit the road and talked to as many people as we could. We also taught English every Wednesday.
It has been a wonderful journey working with the Spirit and with those whom I served. During my mission, I have seen the prophecy of the scriptures coming true; I saw my patriarchal blessings being fulfilled. I understand the wisdom of following the counsel of those who preside over me.
I know the Lord has helped me and watched over me; especially on the busy roads of Taiwan!
Most importantly, I came to know for myself the power of the Atonement. During my mission, I thoroughly, and very clearly, saw my weaknesses. I can't speak Mandarin very well, I would get lost on the streets and I’m very forgetful. But I am grateful for my weaknesses because I am able to bring them to the Lord and see the enabling power of the Atonement. These experiences changed me.
Through my mission, I also saw how 'small' and helpless we can be in a lot of situations. Some examples I witnessed were: companions having a hard time adjusting to Asia, a 90 year-old faithful member dealing with his son's death, people suffering abuse by their spouse, people with cancer and something that will stay in my heart forever was when two of our fellow missionaries passing away. I can't do anything about these things, but I know God loveth his children, nevertheless, I do not know the meanings of all things (1 Nephi 11:17). Because God loves us, He sent Jesus to comfort us, and I know that He knows every little feeling we have and is able to touch and comfort every soul in ways we cannot.
I know the Book of Mormon is full of words from God because I have read it and prayed about it. I felt the warm feeling in my heart, the Holy Spirit, manifesting this to me. If you haven’t read the Book of Mormon yet, then I urge you to get your copy now at
Before any missionary goes on their mission, we first report to the Missionary Training Centre (MTC) to prepare ourselves. But I know my mission was actually my personal MTC, my training and preparation, for the rest of my life.

Happy day in August 2013

Halloween party for our English class

Outdoor zone conference

Preparation Day (P-Day) fun at Taidong

Typical typhoon day in Taiwan

Feet tan!