Youth Conference Report
By Amy
Let me just say, before anything else, that I absolutely LOVED Youth Conference this year. As my first Youth Conference (I could have gone but didn’t attend last year), I loved everything - from the beautiful moments of spiritual confirmation and understanding to the fun moments of games and dancing and making new friends, to the slightly-less-beautiful moments of waking up at 5am to play a game. If you want to know more about that, ask any youth who went to Youth Conference. They’ll remember.
Over the four days that Youth Conference lasted, I truly feel like I have grown spiritually. The workshops run by the leaders (there were maybe two every day) were, I think, inspired. Touching on topics ranging from missionary work to self-improvement via finding out more about yourself, the workshops were all enjoyable and educational and I’m sure they helped a lot of people.
For me, the main thing I gleaned from this Youth Conference is a true love of the scriptures. Because of the daily 30 minute personal scripture study and the daily 30 minute group scriptures study (studying in our pre-ordained groups of about ten), I have truly discovered everything that the scriptures can be, and have come to enjoy and look forward to studying them every day, which is something I needed.
In terms of fun and games, Youth Conference could not have been more jam-packed full of games and fun times, with activities ranging from charades to chasing games to strategy games to quizzes to dodge ball. For me and the people I hung out with, this also included dancing in the events hall during any spare time we had and about a million games of “ninja” played with everyone whenever we had a spare moment. All of the games were brilliant fun and ensured that we put to good use all the food we ate during meal times (it was good food) and that we fell asleep every night. Over the four days we probably had a total of 3-4 hours free time, but no one minded because the busy schedule was full of exciting games and excellent workshops.
Youth conference was an amazing escape from the real world; to be able to spend four days with youth who have the same standards and who wouldn’t judge you really allowed you to relax and just enjoy the experience. On the last day, I found that many people didn’t want to leave and again face the challenges and temptations of the “real world”. Youth conference was a safe haven in which people could be themselves, create new experiences and grow in the gospel. I am so grateful to the leaders and all the youth who helped to organize Youth Conference and make it happen. To borrow a phrase I either read somewhere or heard in someone’s testimony, we will all be on a “spiritual high” for a while.
From Charlene - Singapore 2nd ward
From Charlene - Singapore 2nd wardFor this year's Youth Conference, I was blessed to have the great opportunity to meet lots of youth who uphold the same faith and standards as I do. I am grateful for the great example and light that shines through each and every one of them, for they are all so special and Christ-like in their very own special ways.
Being at Youth Conference helped me to further strengthen my testimony: I know our Heavenly Father is watching over each and every one of us, and that the Holy Spirit is always there by our side. When we gather together and stand as witnesses of God and His Gospel truth, we are able to feel the mighty power and loving support that comes through faith and obedience.
I know that as we continue to participate in all that is uplifting and wholesome - all of which draws us nearer to our Heavenly Father - He shall lead us along the path of eternal truth and happiness. I know that as we continue to exude the example of Christ, and to garnish our thoughts with all that is virtuous, to be clean and pure in actions, words and deeds, through His grace we can be as perfect as He is.
I truly love all the dedicated youth and devoted leaders who have made this Youth Conference experience an uplifting and edifying one, and I am thankful for the great time I had during the few days at Eagle Ranch, Port Dickson. I testify that God loves all His children - we are truly of great worth in His eyes. I know that He wants all of His beloved children to live a life worth living, a life of great purpose, a life that leads to true happiness and joy. Let us stand firm, have faith and come unto Christ, for He is always there by our side, guiding us every step of the way.
From Kelly - Choa Chu Kang ward
From Kelly - Choa Chu Kang wardYouth Conference is the time where we, as youth, bond together and make friends. I enjoyed everything! Being with people who have the same standards as me encourages me to be more righteous. I'm so grateful that I was able to go this year. I felt my faith has been strengthened and I made lots of friends. I encourage everyone to go next year. I want to bear my testimony that I know the Lord loves us and He wants the best for us.
From Ryeson - Toa Payoh Ward
From Ryeson - Toa Payoh WardThe decision to go to Youth Conference is one that I have never regretted and never will. Youth Conference is one of the only few times where I can meet and socialize with youth that share the same values and similar problems to me. It is a time where I can meet new friends and catch up with old ones, and more importantly, it is a time where my testimony is strengthened. It is a time where I know that I do not stand alone when I stand up for my beliefs. And through that knowledge, I am encouraged to continue in standing up for what I believe in. My testimony is further strengthened through the uplifting workshops provided and the wholesome fun that is enjoyed. It is a waste when a youth misses Youth Conference, there is much to be gained from it; fun, faith and friends.
From Wendell - Woodlands Ward
I was so glad to be able to attend Youth Conference (YC) this year, and I certainly do not have any regrets whatsoever. Even though I have exams two weeks after YC, it has been the most spiritually fulfilling experience I could have as a youth in the Church. As a group leader at this year’s YC, I was able to learn and grow as a leader in ways that I never could have imagined possible. The experience has definitely been spiritually uplifting as I saw firsthand how the Lord helped me in the role of a group leader - it was my first time and I have not had any exposure to actually leading a group of people in a long time. The Lord blessed me with a wonderful group, even though it was not apparent right from the start, and I am thankful for the opportunity to have been given such a blessing. My group’s adult leader, President Kwan, guided me as a leader and the group throughout YC, and he taught me to relax and not overly stress myself over the role. I was also blessed to have my group members warm up to everyone else over the course of YC and to have some of them, such as Ephraim and Heather get conversations started and interact with the others which helped the group bond and be engaged in the activities. For me, to have such an amazing group to be with has been the best part of YC and I would give anything to relive those four extraordinary days again.
YC has absolutely strengthened my testimony and my faith, as I saw one of my group members get injured. Not severely, but enough to stop the game. As I sat on the grass with her and another group member, I prayed to Heavenly Father that she would be all right and for her to be able to carry on with the activities and continue to have fun at YC. At first I was worried that she would not be able to carry on, but after the prayer, I felt nothing but warm relief and a lingering thought, “everything will be all right”. Later on, President Lai and President Kwan gave her a Priesthood blessing, and as I stood by them, I felt even better, a sense of joy even, that she would be okay. Eventually she did get up and walk after taking her medicine, and I was nearly overwhelmed by the happiness that I felt as we walked her away from the field. This experience has really strengthened my testimony in prayer, the Priesthood, and the power of how YC increases our faith. There is nothing on earth that you could trade for attendance at YC, because there is simply nothing that can match the blessings that come from attending YC. We learn, we grow and we live together as youth of the Church for four fantastic days, each of us with the same high standards, making it easier to mingle and learn from each other. To all who are eligible to attend YC this year but did not, you are missing out on an indescribable experience, and to those who just missed the minimum age requirement or are eligible to attend next year, I strongly recommend you to attend. You will not regret going. Even if you find yourself hesitating to go for of any reason, just go. I promise that you will find that any reason will become insignificant in comparison to what you will gain from YC. To all youth, I encourage you to go for YC, because it is the best thing in the youth programme - I can assure you with all my heart that you will never regret going. Everything else will pale in comparison to YC, I promise.
From Kirsten – Clementi Ward
From Kirsten – Clementi Ward
I’m really glad I attended Youth Conference because it helped me bond with people I only knew in passing until then. It also strengthened my testimony that this Church is true. The workshops we had were really good and there is something comforting about spending time around people my age with similar beliefs and standards. Last year I didn’t know if I should go to Youth Conference because I needed to study for my O-levels. I wasn’t doing great in school and I wasn’t sure if I would pass, but I put God first and I attended Youth Conference. At the same time I also made sure to study as best as I could, as well as to fast, pray and study the scriptures. I passed my exams without having to miss Youth Conference and that experience really helped my testimony grow. I really encourage other youth to attend Youth Conference if they have the chance.
From Arista - 2nd Ward
From Arista - 2nd WardOf course, I was so pleased to be able to attend Youth Conference - everything about it was great! Youth Conference helped me realize that I am not the only person with high standards and that there are many youth around me who have the same standards. After Youth Conference, my testimony is stronger. Youth Conference brings out different emotions in people I think, but it is up to us to choose to go and enjoy it. I hope all those who were not eligible for Youth Conference this year (must be 14 years and up) will be able to go next year and all those who went can continue going to Youth Conference to strengthen your testimony. IT IS REALLY GOOD!!!


Group Five

Group Eight

Group Three

First workshop

Fun at the Eagle Ranch pool

Games session


Learning names on day one

Line up and smile!

More fun at dance

Photo booth at the dance

Prize time


Thanking the youth leaders

Three of the amazing leaders


Youth leaders and ward reps

Group Two