I was called to serve in the Philippines Manila Mission (June 2012-June 2013), which then split to form the New Philippines Cavite Mission (July 2013-June2014). I am very lucky to have served under two mission presidents; I’ve learned a lot from them.
I was called to serve in the Philippines Manila Mission (June 2012-June 2013), which then split to form the New Philippines Cavite Mission (July 2013-June2014). I am very lucky to have served under two mission presidents; I’ve learned a lot from them.It’s true that your testimony of the Gospel of Jesus Christ grows when you serve a mission; not only are you converting other people to the Gospel you are also converting yourself. My challenges on my mission helped me understand why we really need the Gospel and why we should live the Gospel. This motivated me to continue sharing this good news with others even though they have different views about it.
One experience really strengthened my testimony about prayer. My companion and I were new to the area and we didn’t really know how to get places and find the people who were previously taught by the missionaries. We were walking aimlessly and decided that we should stop and pray for guidance. We finished our prayer and walked on a short while until a guy approached us and brought us to his uncle who is a member of the church. We also found out that he was the mission leader of the branch. He gave us a tour of the area with his tricycle and introduced us to members. Later that night I gave a lot of thanks to our Heavenly Father. I know that He really answers sincere and ‘with real intent’ prayers. I know that He didn’t leave us alone during that time; all we needed to do was ask Him through prayer.
I really loved my mission because it helped me develop Christ-like attributes. I learned the meaning of loving others. I never prayed so hard as I did for other people; my patience was always tested and I was always thinking about them, not myself. I know that He gave me my companions and the people whom I served to help me develop God-like attributes so that one day I can be with Him.
I know that we are sons and daughters of a loving Heavenly Father who sent His Beloved Son to atone for our sins so that we can be clean and be with Him some day. I know that through this Gospel we can understand the atonement so that we could take advantage of its redeeming and enabling power. I know that as we share this Gospel with others, Heavenly Father is well pleased because it should be our goal to do His will and to help Him bring to pass the immortality and eternal life of men so that we may all sit down in Heaven together.
Alvin Tadina

First day on my mission

My trainer

My trainer

First baptism

A Zone Leaders - during our missionary leadership training

Naic zone as a Zone Leader

Silang District as a District Leader