How many days, months or years since you returned from your mission? As the prophet Alma asked the probing question, 'if ye have experienced a change of heart, and if ye have felt to sing the song of redeeming love, I would ask, can ye feel so now?' (Alma 5:26)
'if ye have experienced a change of heart, and if ye have felt to sing the song of redeeming love, I would ask, can ye feel so now?'Elder Perry asked a similar question, 'Wouldn’t this be a good time for a little self-evaluation to determine if we still have the same relationship with our Father in Heaven that we enjoyed in the mission field? If the world has diverted us from the practice of prayer, we then have lost a great spiritual power. Maybe it is time that we rekindle our missionary spirit through more frequent, consistent, and mighty prayer.'
'Wouldn’t this be a good time for a little self-evaluation to determine if we still have the same relationship with our Father in Heaven that we enjoyed in the mission field? If the world has diverted us from the practice of prayer, we then have lost a great spiritual power. Maybe it is time that we rekindle our missionary spirit through more frequent, consistent, and mighty prayer.'For many, the fire burns brighter today than it did during their mission when they followed a modified routine. They have consistent, meaningful prayers, rather than saying prayers by rote. They feast daily upon the words of Christ by reading and studying the scriptures and other Church books and articles. They continue to teach the gospel every with opportunity. Lastly, they have the fire of a missionary spirit burning brightly about them.
Elder Perry exhorts all returned missionaries 'I call on you returned missionaries to rededicate yourselves, to become reinfused with the desire and spirit of missionary service. I call on you to look the part, to be the part, and to act the part of a servant of our Father in Heaven. I pray for your renewed determination to proclaim the gospel that you may become more actively engaged in this great work the Lord has called all of us to do. I want to promise you there are great blessings in store for you if you continue to press forward with the zeal you once possessed as a full-time missionary.'
'I call on you returned missionaries to rededicate yourselves, to become reinfused with the desire and spirit of missionary service. I call on you to look the part, to be the part, and to act the part of a servant of our Father in Heaven. I pray for your renewed determination to proclaim the gospel that you may become more actively engaged in this great work the Lord has called all of us to do. I want to promise you there are great blessings in store for you if you continue to press forward with the zeal you once possessed as a full-time missionary.'We look forward to welcoming the following members to join us on 29 August 2014. Please rsvp to your ward mission leader.
- Any Returned Missionary and their spouse
- Newly-called Missionaries
- Past and Present Church-Service Missionaries
- Ward Mission Leaders and Ward Missionaries